Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme – For work in Scotland

The PVG Scheme is managed and delivered by Disclosure Scotland which, as an executive agency of the Scottish Government helps to ensure that those who have regular contact with children and vulnerable adults do not have a known history of harmful behaviour.

We have endeavoured to answer some of your questions:

1. Do I need a PVG?
Yes, we ask that all our agency workers who wish to represent us in Scotland hold an Enhanced PVG disclosure due to the type of work you are likely to carry out with our clients, which may require contact with children or vulnerable adults.

2. There are three different types of disclosure, which do I need?
We ask that all our nurse and care staff that intend to work in Scotland hold an Enhanced PVG disclosure. This is the highest form of discloser and the most appropriate for work with children or vulnerable adults.

3. How much does a PVG Disclosure cost?
The cost to initially register with the PVG scheme is £59. As a registered body we can assist you with guidance and supporting documents required. Please email us at and let us know that you wish to register with the PVG scheme.

4. How much does a new Enhanced Disclosure cost if I’ve previously registered for one with the PVG scheme?
If you are already registered with the PVG scheme the cost for adding us to your existing registration is £18. Please email us at and let us know you wish to add us to your existing registration.

5. What do I need to do?
Already registered with us?
Before we can begin offering you work we will require you to apply for an Enhanced Disclosure. Questions 3 and 4 tell you how to apply depending on which option is applicable to you.

Not Registered?