Disclosure & Barring Services (DBS) Check – England & Wales - British Nursing Association | British Nursing Association

Disclosure & Barring Services (DBS) Check – For work in England & Wales

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for certain work, especially that involves children or vulnerable adults, and provides wider access to criminal record information through its disclosure service for England and Wales.

We have endeavoured to answer some of your questions:

1. Do I need a DBS Check?

Yes, we ask that all our agency workers hold a current DBS check on file due to the type of work you are likely to carry out with our clients, which may require contact with children or vulnerable adults.

2. How much does a DBS application cost?

New Prices (Effective 2 December 2024):

  • Update Service - £16 (per year)

  • Basic DBS check - £21.50

  • Standard DBS check - £21.50

  • Enhanced DBS check - £49.50

  • Enhanced DBS check with Barred List(s) - £49.50

3. How much will the Update Service cost?

There will be a £13 annual subscription fee for the Update Service. You can only apply for this within 19 days from the date of issue of the certificate. If you choose to not apply for this benefit or you are outside of the stipulated 19 days, then you will not qualify.  In such cases the next time you apply for a new DBS you will be required to pay the full application fee. 

4. What do I do when I receive my certificate?

Before we can get you working we must see either

A) the original copy of the DBS certificate or

B) A Post Office verified copy of it.

The certificates can be verified by any of our branch staff at our branches or via the Post Office Verification Service: www.postoffice.co.uk/document-certification-service

5. What happens if I have done my new disclosure with another employer, can you accept this?

Yes we can accept this as long as you follow the document verification procedures outlined above and have previously registered for the annual Update Service. 

6. Is there anything else that I need to be aware of?

Yes, please check your disclosure carefully when it is issued. We work with clients that may require contact with children or vulnerable adults depending on your experience. To maximise your work opportunities we would request that when initially applying for a DBS you select checks for both Adults and Children. Alternatively you will not be offered work for the client group that does not appear on your certificate. 

7. What do I need to do?

Already registered with us? Then login here (www.staffshift.com) to fill out a DBS application online.

Not Registered?